The Temple Street Trio is a Los Angeles-based ensemble that specializes in historically informed performances of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century popular music such as rags, waltzes, and polkas. Comprised of Frank Fairfield, David Elsenbroich, and Zac Sokolow, the group utilizes various configurations of violins, mandolins, banjos, and guitars to present a wide range of repertoire.

Frank Fairfield has toured internationally for many years, performing at Royal Albert Hall, the Kennedy Center, and NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert. Zac Sokolow, a fourth-generation professional musician, has worked in musical diplomacy on behalf of the State Department in South East Asia, Europe, and North Africa. Professor David Elsenbroich has a Masters of Music from the Thornton School of Music at USC, teaches at Chaffey College, and has managed to maintain the longest-running musical residency on the 1600 block of West Temple Street.

The Temple Street Trio performs in public and private venues across California and the west.